More Usage Examples

For checking all the optional arguments, please use –help.

$ GenEpi --help

You will obtain the following argument list:

usage: GenEpi [-h] -g G -p P [-s S] [-o O] [-m {c,r}] [-k K] [-t T]
              [--updatedb] [-b {hg19,hg38}] [--compressld] [-d D] [-r R]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -g G            filename of the input .gen file
  -p P            filename of the input phenotype
  -s S            self-defined genome regions
  -o O            output file path
  -m {c,r}        choose model type: c for classification; r for regression
  -k K            k of k-fold cross validation
  -t T            number of threads

update UCSC database:
  --updatedb      enable this function
  -b {hg19,hg38}  human genome build

compress data by LD block:
  --compressld    enable this function
  -d D            threshold for compression: D prime
  -r R            threshold for compression: R square

Applying on Your Data

$ GenEpi -g full_path_of_your_.GEN_file -p full_path_of_your_.CSV_file -o ./

For Quantitative Study

GenEpi can support both case/control and quantitative studies, for quantitative studies please modify the parameter -m. You could download the test data and excute the following command.

$ GenEpi -g sample.gen -p sample_q.csv -o ./ -m r

Changing the Genome Build

For changing the build of USCS genome browser, please modify the parameter -b.

$ GenEpi -g example -p example -o ./ --updatedb -b hg38

Threshold for Dimension Reduction

You could modify the threshold for Linkage Disequilibrium dimension reduction by following command.

$ GenEpi -g example -p example -o ./ --compressld -d 0.9 -r 0.9

Self-defined Genome Region

Please prepare your self-defined genome region in this format. Then, use the parameter -s for applying it on your data.

$ GenEpi -s full_path_of_your_genome_region_file -g full_path_of_your_.GEN_file -p full_path_of_your_.CSV_file -o ./