Source code for genepi.step5_crossGeneEpistasis_Logistic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Feb 2018

@author: Chester (Yu-Chuan Chang)

# import libraries
import os
import warnings
# ignore all warnings
os.environ["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore"

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
from sklearn import linear_model
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import sklearn.metrics as skMetric
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import norm

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from genepi.step4_singleGeneEpistasis_Logistic import RandomizedLogisticRegression
from genepi.step4_singleGeneEpistasis_Logistic import LogisticRegressionL1CV
from genepi.step4_singleGeneEpistasis_Logistic import FeatureEncoderLogistic

# define functions 
[docs]def LogisticRegressionL1(np_X, np_y, int_nJobs = 1): """ Implementation of the L1-regularized Logistic regression with k-fold cross validation. Args: np_X (ndarray): 2D array containing genotype data with `int8` type np_y (ndarray): 2D array containing phenotype data with `float` type int_nJobs (int): The number of thread (default: 1) Returns: (float): float_f1Score The F1 score of the model """ X = np_X y = np_y X_sparse = coo_matrix(X) X, X_sparse, y = shuffle(X, X_sparse, y, random_state=0) list_target = [] list_predict = [] cost = [2**x for x in range(-8, 8)] parameters = [{'C':cost, 'penalty':['l1'], 'dual':[False], 'class_weight':['balanced']}] kf_estimator = KFold(n_splits=2) estimator_logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100, solver='liblinear') estimator_grid = GridSearchCV(estimator_logistic, parameters, scoring='f1', n_jobs=int_nJobs, cv=kf_estimator), y) list_label = estimator_grid.best_estimator_.predict(X) for idx_y, idx_label in zip(list(y), list_label): list_target.append(float(idx_y)) list_predict.append(idx_label) float_f1Score = skMetric.f1_score(list_target, list_predict) return float_f1Score
[docs]def GenerateContingencyTable(np_genotype, np_phenotype): """ Generating the contingency table for chi-square test. Args: np_X (ndarray): 2D array containing genotype data with `int8` type np_y (ndarray): 2D array containing phenotype data with `float` type Returns: (ndarray): np_contingency 2D array containing the contingency table with `int` type """ np_contingency = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) for idx_subject in range(0, np_genotype.shape[0]): np_contingency[int(np_genotype[idx_subject]), int(np_phenotype[idx_subject])] = np_contingency[int(np_genotype[idx_subject]), int(np_phenotype[idx_subject])] + 1 np_contingency = np.rot90(np_contingency) np_contingency = np.rot90(np_contingency) return np_contingency
[docs]def ClassifierModelPersistence(np_X, np_y, str_outputFilePath = "", int_nJobs = 1): """ Dumping classifier for model persistence Args: np_X (ndarray): 2D array containing genotype data with `int8` type np_y (ndarray): 2D array containing phenotype data with `float` type str_outputFilePath (str): File path of output file int_nJobs (int): The number of thread (default: 1) Returns: None """ X = np_X y = np_y X_sparse = coo_matrix(X) X, X_sparse, y = shuffle(X, X_sparse, y, random_state=0) cost = [2**x for x in range(-8, 8)] parameters = [{'C':cost, 'penalty':['l1'], 'dual':[False], 'class_weight':['balanced']}] kf_estimator = KFold(n_splits=2) estimator_logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100, solver='liblinear') estimator_grid = GridSearchCV(estimator_logistic, parameters, scoring='f1', n_jobs=int_nJobs, cv=kf_estimator), y) joblib.dump(estimator_grid.best_estimator_, os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, "Classifier.pkl"))
[docs]def gaussian(x, mean, amplitude, standard_deviation): return amplitude * np.exp( - ((x - mean) / standard_deviation) ** 2)
[docs]def fsigmoid(x, a, b): float_return = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-a*(x-b))) return float_return
[docs]def PlotPolygenicScore(list_target, list_predict, list_proba, str_outputFilePath="", str_label=""): """ Plot figure for polygenic score, including group distribution and prevalence to PGS Args: list_target (list): A list containing the target of each samples list_predict (list): A list containing the predition value of each samples list_proba (list): A list containing the predition probability of each samples str_outputFilePath (str): File path of output file str_label (str): The label of the output plots Returns: None """ float_f1Score = skMetric.f1_score(list_target, list_predict) #------------------------- # group distribution #------------------------- pd_pgs = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(list_target), pd.DataFrame(list_predict), pd.DataFrame(np.array(list_proba)[:,1])], axis=1) pd_pgs.columns = ['target', 'predict', 'proba'] int_bin = 25 plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) # plot case pd_case = pd_pgs[ == 1.0] plt.hist(pd_case['proba'], bins=int_bin, label='Case', color="#e68fac", weights=np.ones_like(pd_case['proba'])/float(len(pd_case['proba']))) bin_heights, bin_borders = np.histogram(pd_case['proba'], bins=int_bin) bin_heights = bin_heights / float(len(pd_case['proba'])) bin_widths = np.diff(bin_borders) bin_centers = bin_borders[:-1] + bin_widths / 2 popt, _ = curve_fit(gaussian, bin_centers, bin_heights, maxfev=100000000) x_interval_for_fit = np.linspace(bin_borders[0], bin_borders[-1], 10000) plt.plot(x_interval_for_fit, gaussian(x_interval_for_fit, *popt), c="#b3446c") # plot control pd_control = pd_pgs[ == 0.0] plt.hist(pd_control['proba'], bins=int_bin, label='Control', color="#4997d0", weights=np.ones_like(pd_control['proba'])/float(len(pd_control['proba']))) bin_heights, bin_borders = np.histogram(pd_control['proba'], bins=int_bin) bin_heights = bin_heights / float(len(pd_control['proba'])) bin_widths = np.diff(bin_borders) bin_centers = bin_borders[:-1] + bin_widths / 2 popt, _ = curve_fit(gaussian, bin_centers, bin_heights, maxfev=100000000) x_interval_for_fit = np.linspace(bin_borders[0], bin_borders[-1], 10000) plt.plot(x_interval_for_fit, gaussian(x_interval_for_fit, *popt), c="#00416a") # plot formatting str_method = "GenEpi" plt.legend(prop={'size': 12}) plt.title(str_method + ' Predicting F1 Score: ' + "%.4f" % float_f1Score + ' ') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 0.5) plt.xlabel('Polygenic Score') plt.ylabel('Fraction of samples by group') plt.savefig(os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, str("GenEpi_PGS_" + str_label + ".png")), dpi=300) plt.close('all') #------------------------- # prevalence to PGS #------------------------- int_step = 5 np_percentile = np.percentile(pd_pgs['proba'], q=list(range(0, 100 + int_step, int_step))) pd_pgs['percentile'] = np.searchsorted(np_percentile, pd_pgs['proba'], side='left') * int_step pd_prevalence_obs = pd_pgs.groupby('percentile').sum()[['target']] pd_prevalence_obs_count = pd_pgs.groupby('percentile').count()[['target']] pd_prevalence_obs = pd_prevalence_obs/pd_prevalence_obs_count pd_prevalence_obs.columns = ['obs'] pd_prevalence_pre = pd_pgs.groupby('percentile').mean()[['proba']] pd_prevalence_pre.columns = ['pre'] pd_rr_ingroup_case = pd_pgs.groupby('percentile').sum()[['target']] pd_rr_ingroup_sum = pd_pgs.groupby('percentile').count()[['target']] pd_rr = (pd_rr_ingroup_case / pd_rr_ingroup_sum) / (pd_pgs.sum()[['target']] / pd_pgs.count()[['target']]) pd_rr.columns = ['Relative Risk'] plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) sns.scatterplot(x=pd_prevalence_obs.index, y=pd_prevalence_obs['obs'], hue=pd_rr['Relative Risk'], palette=sns.cubehelix_palette(8, start=.5, rot=-.75, as_cmap=True)) popt, pcov = sp.optimize.curve_fit(fsigmoid, pd_prevalence_pre.index, pd_prevalence_pre['pre'], method='dogbox', bounds=([0., 0.],[1., 100.])) sns.lineplot(x=pd_prevalence_pre.index, y=fsigmoid(pd_prevalence_pre.index, *popt), color="black") plt.legend(prop={'size': 12}, loc='upper left') plt.title(str_method + ' Predicting F1 Score: ' + "%.4f" % float_f1Score + ' ') plt.xlim(0, 100) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('Polygenic Score Percentile') plt.ylabel('Prevalence of Percentile Group') plt.savefig(os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, str("GenEpi_Prevalence_" + str_label + ".png")), dpi=300) plt.close('all') #------------------------- # plot ROC #------------------------- fpr, tpr, _ = skMetric.roc_curve(list_target, np.array(list_proba)[:,1]) float_auc = skMetric.auc(fpr, tpr) plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='#e68fac', lw=2, label='Class 1 ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % float_auc) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='black', lw=2, linestyle='--') plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic example') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.savefig(os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, str("GenEpi_ROC_" + str_label + ".png")), dpi=300) plt.close('all')
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" # main function """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""
[docs]def CrossGeneEpistasisLogistic(str_inputFilePath_feature, str_inputFileName_phenotype, str_inputFileName_score = "", str_outputFilePath = "", int_kOfKFold = 2, int_nJobs = 1): """ A workflow to model a cross gene epistasis containing two-element combinatorial encoding, stability selection, filtering low quality varaint and L1-regularized Logistic regression with k-fold cross validation. Args: str_inputFilePath_feature (str): File path of input feature files from stage 1 - singleGeneEpistasis str_inputFileName_phenotype (str): File name of input phenotype data str_inputFileName_score (str): File name of input score file from stage 1 - singleGeneEpistasis str_outputFilePath (str): File path of output file int_kOfKFold (int): The k for k-fold cross validation (default: 2) int_nJobs (int): The number of thread (default: 1) Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - float_f1Score_train (float): The F1 score of the model for training set - float_f1Score_test (float): The F1 score of the model for testing set - Expected Success Response:: "step5: Detect cross gene epistasis. DONE!" """ ### set default output path if str_outputFilePath == "": str_outputFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(str_inputFilePath_feature, os.pardir)) + "/crossGeneResult/" ### if output folder doesn't exist then create it if not os.path.exists(str_outputFilePath): os.makedirs(str_outputFilePath) ### set default score file name if str_inputFileName_score == "": for str_fileName in os.listdir(str_inputFilePath_feature): if str_fileName.startswith("All_Logistic"): str_inputFileName_score = os.path.join(str_inputFilePath_feature, str_fileName) #------------------------- # load data #------------------------- ### scan score file and exclude useless genes dict_score = {} with open(str_inputFileName_score, "r") as file_inputFile: file_inputFile.readline() for line in file_inputFile: list_thisScore = line.strip().split(",") if list_thisScore[1] == "MemErr" or float(list_thisScore[1]) == 0.0: pass else: dict_score[list_thisScore[0]] = float(list_thisScore[1]) ### get all the file names of feature file list_featureFileName = [] for str_fileName in os.listdir(str_inputFilePath_feature): if "Feature.csv" in str_fileName: list_featureFileName.append(str_fileName) ### get all selected snp ids list_genotype_rsid = [] for item in list_featureFileName: with open(os.path.join(str_inputFilePath_feature, item), "r") as file_inputFile: ### grep the header list_rsids = file_inputFile.readline().strip().split(",") for rsid in list_rsids: list_genotype_rsid.append(rsid) np_genotype_rsid = np.array(list_genotype_rsid) ### count lines of input files int_num_genotype = len(np_genotype_rsid) int_num_phenotype = sum(1 for line in open(str_inputFileName_phenotype)) ### get phenotype file list_phenotype = [] with open(str_inputFileName_phenotype, 'r') as file_inputFile: for line in file_inputFile: list_phenotype.append(line.strip().split(",")) np_phenotype = np.array(list_phenotype, dtype=np.float) del list_phenotype ### get genotype file ### declare a dictionary for mapping snp and gene dict_geneMap ={} idx_genotype_rsid = 0 np_genotype = np.empty([int_num_phenotype, int_num_genotype], dtype='int8') for item in list_featureFileName: with open(os.path.join(str_inputFilePath_feature, item), "r") as file_inputFile: ### grep feature from header of feature file list_rsids = file_inputFile.readline().strip().split(",") for rsid in list_rsids: ### key: rsIDs of a feature; value: gene symbol dict_geneMap[rsid] = item.split("_")[0] idx_phenotype = 0 ### read feaure and write into np_genotype for line in file_inputFile: np_genotype[idx_phenotype, idx_genotype_rsid:idx_genotype_rsid + len(list_rsids)] = np.array([float(x) for x in line.strip().split(",")], dtype='int') idx_phenotype = idx_phenotype + 1 idx_genotype_rsid = idx_genotype_rsid + len(list_rsids) #------------------------- # preprocess data #------------------------- ### chi-square test selection np_chi2 = -np.log10(chi2(np_genotype.astype(int), np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int))[1]) np_selectedIdx = np.array([x > 5 for x in np_chi2]) np_genotype = np_genotype[:, np_selectedIdx] np_genotype_rsid = np_genotype_rsid[np_selectedIdx] if np_genotype_rsid.shape[0] == 0: print("step5: There is no variant past the chi-square test selection.") return 0.0, 0.0 ### select degree 1 feature np_genotype_rsid_degree = np.array([str(x).count('*') + 1 for x in np_genotype_rsid]) np_selectedIdx = np.array([x == 1 for x in np_genotype_rsid_degree]) np_genotype_degree1 = np_genotype[:, np_selectedIdx] np_genotype_degree1_rsid = np_genotype_rsid[np_selectedIdx] ### remove redundant polynomial features if np_genotype_degree1.shape[1] > 0: np_genotype_degree1, np_selectedIdx = np.unique(np_genotype_degree1, axis=1, return_index=True) np_genotype_degree1_rsid = np_genotype_degree1_rsid[np_selectedIdx] ### generate cross gene interations if np_genotype_degree1.shape[1] > 0: np_genotype_crossGene_rsid, np_genotype_crossGene = FeatureEncoderLogistic(np_genotype_degree1_rsid, np_genotype_degree1, np_phenotype, 1) ### remove degree 1 feature from dataset np_selectedIdx = np.array([x != 1 for x in np_genotype_rsid_degree]) np_genotype = np_genotype[:, np_selectedIdx] np_genotype_rsid = np_genotype_rsid[np_selectedIdx] ### concatenate cross gene interations if np_genotype_degree1.shape[1] > 0: np_genotype = np.concatenate((np_genotype, np_genotype_crossGene), axis=1) np_genotype_rsid = np.concatenate((np_genotype_rsid, np_genotype_crossGene_rsid)) #------------------------- # select feature #------------------------- ### random logistic feature selection np_randWeight = np.array(RandomizedLogisticRegression(np_genotype, np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int))) np_selectedIdx = np.array([x >= 0.25 for x in np_randWeight]) np_randWeight = np_randWeight[np_selectedIdx] np_genotype = np_genotype[:, np_selectedIdx] np_genotype_rsid = np_genotype_rsid[np_selectedIdx] if np_genotype_rsid.shape[0] == 0: print("step5: There is no variant past the chi-square test selection.") return 0.0, 0.0 #------------------------- # build model #------------------------- float_f1Score_test, np_weight, dict_y = LogisticRegressionL1CV(np_genotype, np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int), int_kOfKFold, int_nJobs) float_f1Score_train = LogisticRegressionL1(np_genotype, np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int), int_nJobs) ### filter out zero-weight features np_selectedIdx = np.array([x != 0.0 for x in np_weight]) np_weight = np_weight[np_selectedIdx] np_genotype = np_genotype[:, np_selectedIdx] np_genotype_rsid = np_genotype_rsid[np_selectedIdx] if np_genotype_rsid.shape[0] == 0: print("step5: There is no variant past the random logistic feature selection.") return 0.0, 0.0 #------------------------- # analyze result #------------------------- ### calculate chi-square p-value np_chi2 = -np.log10(chi2(np_genotype.astype(int), np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int))[1]) list_oddsRatio = [] for idx_feature in range(0, np_genotype.shape[1]): np_contingency = GenerateContingencyTable(np_genotype[:, idx_feature], np_phenotype[:, -1]) oddsratio, pvalue = stats.fisher_exact(np_contingency) list_oddsRatio.append(oddsratio) ### calculate genotype frequency np_genotypeFreq = np.sum(np_genotype, axis=0).astype(float) / np_genotype.shape[0] ### calculate statistic tn, fp, fn, tp = skMetric.confusion_matrix(dict_y["target"], dict_y["predict"]).ravel() float_specificity = tn / (tn + fp) float_sensitivity = tp / (fn + tp) fpr, tpr, _ = skMetric.roc_curve(dict_y["target"], np.array(dict_y["predict_proba"])[:,1]) float_auc = skMetric.auc(fpr, tpr) #------------------------- # output results #------------------------- ### output statistics of features with open(os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, "Result.csv"), "w") as file_outputFile: file_outputFile.writelines("rsid,weight,chi-square_log_p-value,odds_ratio,genotype_frequency,geneSymbol,singleGeneScore" + "\n") for idx_feature in range(0, np_genotype_rsid.shape[0]): ### if this feature is single gene epistasis if np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,] in dict_geneMap.keys(): str_thisOutput = str(np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(np_weight[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(np_chi2[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(list_oddsRatio[idx_feature]) + "," + str(np_genotypeFreq[idx_feature]) + "," + str(dict_geneMap[np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,]]).split("@")[0] + "," + str(dict_score[dict_geneMap[np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,]]]) + "\n" file_outputFile.writelines(str_thisOutput) ### else this feature is cross gene epistasis else: str_thisOutput = str(np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(np_weight[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(np_chi2[idx_feature,]) + "," + str(list_oddsRatio[idx_feature]) + "," + str(np_genotypeFreq[idx_feature]) + "," + str(dict_geneMap[np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,].split("*")[0]]).split("@")[0] + "*" + str(dict_geneMap[np_genotype_rsid[idx_feature,].split("*")[1]]).split("@")[0] + ", " + "\n" file_outputFile.writelines(str_thisOutput) ### output feature with open(os.path.join(str_outputFilePath, "Feature.csv"), "w") as file_outputFile: file_outputFile.writelines(",".join(np_genotype_rsid) + "\n") for idx_subject in range(0, np_genotype.shape[0]): file_outputFile.writelines(",".join(np_genotype[idx_subject, :].astype(str)) + "\n") ### output figures PlotPolygenicScore(dict_y["target"], dict_y["predict"], dict_y["predict_proba"], str_outputFilePath, "CV") #------------------------- # dump persistent model #------------------------- ClassifierModelPersistence(np_genotype, np_phenotype[:, -1].astype(int), str_outputFilePath, int_nJobs) print("step5: Detect cross gene epistasis. DONE! (Training score:" + "{0:.2f}".format(float_f1Score_train) + "; " + str(int_kOfKFold) + "-fold Test Score:" + "{0:.2f}".format(float_f1Score_test) + ")") print("AUC: " + "{0:.2f}".format(float_auc) + "; Specificity: " + "{0:.2f}".format(float_specificity) + "; Sensitivity: " + "{0:.2f}".format(float_sensitivity)) return float_f1Score_train, float_f1Score_test